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As you use this CD, you will see certain texts highlighted like this. When you click on them, you will be taken to another page on this CD. This is called a 'hyperlink'. Depending on the Web Browser you are using, these will usually be blue and usually underlined.
Most of the documents on this CD were taken directly from the Internet. Whilst 'downloading' these 'Web Pages', it is easy to miss some of these hyperlinks. If some of these links are missing, when you click on them, you will get a message like this. If you get a message like this whilst you are using this CD, please just go back to the last page you were on (using the navigation icons at the top of your web browser). To do this, you usually click on an arrow pointing back, or an icon that is called 'back'. Either way, don't worry about it!
There are many live links remaining on this CD, for the use of those of you that have an internet connection. These live links take you to various other sites all over the world - and are often located at the bottom of a web page, these can be recognised by the 'GO-LIVE' graphic. A live link can also be recognised by the URL, which is the full address and file name displayed by your web browser when the mouse pointer is over a link, these URL's will be preceded by http://, ftp://, gopher://, or anything else apart from file://localhost/, which tells the web browser that the file is on the CD. These live links may be ignored by those of you that don't have internet access.
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